
Wind River is the global leader in device software optimization (DSO). Wind River enables companies to develop, run, and manage device software better, faster, at lower cost, and more reliably. Wind River technology is currently deployed in more than 300 million devices worldwide by industry leaders like Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Motorola, NASA, and Mitsubishi. Wind River Professional Services enable leading electronics vendors like Philips, Siemens, Nortel, and Samsung to design, develop, and deploy innovative products on or ahead of schedule, at or below budget.
DSO is a holistic, enterprise-wide solution to the challenges generated by increasing complexity in developing device software. Key tenets of the DSO solution include standardization of technologies and processes across projects, teams, and sites, and the embrace of open standards to provide companies with the broadest possible choice of tools, technologies, and architectures. Wind River's DSO solution is built on a choice of operating systems, an ecosystem of validated and integrated partner technologies, and expert services and support available around the world, around the clock.
Founded in 1981, Wind River is headquartered in Alameda, California, with operations worldwide. Wind River became a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel(R) Corporation on July 17, 2009.

PragmaDev is a privately held company based in Paris, France, that provides a set of tools for the development of real-time and embedded software: Real Time Developer Studio. It targets all development teams working with a real-time operating system. Its pragmatic approach and low price make it a good candidate to be widely used in a market where 90% of the developments use no graphical tools.
Real Time Developer Studio is the first commercial-off-the-shelf tool based on the SDL-RT concept. SDL-RT is the real-time extension to the well-known language SDL from ITU, used for years in the telecommunications industry to specify protocols.
SDL-RT is a set of graphical representations of classical real time and embedded concepts such as tasks, messages, timers, and semaphores, embedding C/C++ language.
The connection between Real Time Developer Studio and traditional C/C++ debuggers allows graphical debugging in the SDL-RT diagrams and at C/C++ level, as well as graphical traces based on SDL-RT MSC diagrams.
The flawless integration between Real Time Developer Studio and MARBEN ASN.1 tools provides a graphical, open and efficient development environment to speed up the implementation of ASN.1 based real-time embedded applications. The connection between both tools will allow graphical debugging in the SDL-RT diagrams and at source level of your whole application code including ASN.1 messages encoding/decoding.
Visit PragmaDev at:
Microtronix is a full service product development company offering hardware and software design services tailored to quickly get new products to the marketplace. For over 25 years, Microtronix has empowered customers worldwide with custom networking communications and video products. Today, Microtronix continues to apply their proven engineering practices and expertise in developing innovative embedded solutions using system-on-chip technology, FPGA IP cores and printed circuit boards.
Microtronix offers our embedded engineering design services either on an hourly basis, or a fixed price quotation. Design solutions are engineered to be cost effective with the goal to exceed customer requirements for service, quality and function.
Visit Microtronix at:
NComm is the leading provider of LAN and WAN OA&M source code solutions. NComm provides a complete solution for the OA&M functions such as alarms, performance monitoring, etc. NComm covers Ethernet OAM, Sync Ethernet, T1, E1, T3, E3, SONET/SDH including Automatic Protection Switching, Primary Rate ISDN and System timing management including Sync Status Message management. NComm's code is pre-ported to Linux, Windows and many other operating systems.
With NComm's jump start program, users are up and running a fully standards compliant and fully functional interface in a few days and, in some cases, a few hours. NComm's products implement all required functionality for the supported standards. NComm backup up their products with world call support making product implementation easy.
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